Homestead Tour — Off Grid Sweden Post author:Andreas Post published:March 23, 2017 Post category:Uncategorized New video on Youtube You Might Also Like Finally its is happening. This paper doesnt look like much BUT we are getting a Internet fiber connection to the homestead. Its amazing. Its fantastic. No more bad 3 and 4g connection that constantly goes down. No bandwith limitations. Better posibility to work from the homestead. I will be able to get at least 100 Mbit/s !!! I will be able to upload to Youtube without going in to town. Im so happy. June 29, 2016 How to start a fire January 24, 2017 Its beautiful when the trees are all snowy, but I cant wait until its gone. February 24, 2016
Finally its is happening. This paper doesnt look like much BUT we are getting a Internet fiber connection to the homestead. Its amazing. Its fantastic. No more bad 3 and 4g connection that constantly goes down. No bandwith limitations. Better posibility to work from the homestead. I will be able to get at least 100 Mbit/s !!! I will be able to upload to Youtube without going in to town. Im so happy. June 29, 2016