A good start of the day. Homemade bread baked on sifted rye flour, sun flower seeds and carrot. Also made fresh carrot and orange juice and I never forget to take my ginger shot. And if that wasnt enough I throw in a grapefruit too. Post author:Andreas Post published:April 15, 2016 Post category:Uncategorized via Instagram http://ift.tt/265dUmm You Might Also Like We are having visitors today so I have been out in the garden picking rhubarb. Now the thubarb pie ready for the oven. May 29, 2016 The blackberries are begining to ripe July 28, 2016 Lazy sunday. Just filled up the box inside with more wood. March 13, 2016
We are having visitors today so I have been out in the garden picking rhubarb. Now the thubarb pie ready for the oven. May 29, 2016