Building decking on the homestead — part 2 Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:augusti 4, 2017 Inläggskategori:Uncategorized New video on Youtube Du kanske också gillar Shovel Woodchips And Talking Politics — A Swedish Elephant september 1, 2018 Growing Your Greens Update mars 31, 2019 Some of you have sent me messages woundering how I make a living. Well, it is not as a off grid homesteader. I think to be able to live of the homestead without any income would be very hard. Im an IT consultant. So some of the things I do is developing computer programs for businesses, deliver business continuity solutions and take care of servers. mars 22, 2016
Some of you have sent me messages woundering how I make a living. Well, it is not as a off grid homesteader. I think to be able to live of the homestead without any income would be very hard. Im an IT consultant. So some of the things I do is developing computer programs for businesses, deliver business continuity solutions and take care of servers. mars 22, 2016