Caught a mouse in the new trap. I show you everything on YouTube. The link is in the bio. #mouse #mice #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday #urbanhomestead #victor #trap #mousetrap #trapping #rodent #pest #mus #möss #victortraps Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:februari 17, 2018 Inläggskategori:Instagram via Instagram Du kanske också gillar Christmas is almost here. Merry Christmas to you. #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday #christmas #christmastrees #decoration #decorating #holiday #holidays december 23, 2017 A good start of the day. Gingershot with lemon and honey. Orange and carrot juice. All fresh squeezed september 11, 2016 This years first yellow chanterelles juli 18, 2016
Christmas is almost here. Merry Christmas to you. #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday #christmas #christmastrees #decoration #decorating #holiday #holidays december 23, 2017
A good start of the day. Gingershot with lemon and honey. Orange and carrot juice. All fresh squeezed september 11, 2016