Caught a mouse in the new trap. I show you everything on YouTube. The link is in the bio. #mouse #mice #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday #urbanhomestead #victor #trap #mousetrap #trapping #rodent #pest #mus #möss #victortraps Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:februari 17, 2018 Inläggskategori:Instagram via Instagram Du kanske också gillar Working hard on the homestead in the woods. Love this old tractor. #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #sunday #tractor #summer #woods #forrest juli 14, 2019 We have been on holiday. Want a short update visit or follow link in bio. mars 12, 2017 Who is going to be the 200th Subscriber? januari 15, 2017
Working hard on the homestead in the woods. Love this old tractor. #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #sunday #tractor #summer #woods #forrest juli 14, 2019
We have been on holiday. Want a short update visit or follow link in bio. mars 12, 2017