The sourdough story continues. The dough is bubbeling away and smells like a sourdough. It have moved in to the refrigiator. Now I will not feed it until I use some of it in the end of this week. Very exiting! Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:april 19, 2016 Inläggskategori:Uncategorized via Instagram Du kanske också gillar The weather is getting warmer and Im not burning so much wood any more. Spring is coming mars 24, 2016 This is the greenhouse I ordered yesterday. So there will be a lot of work before its done. Have to do a wall that it can stand on. Dont know yet what material I will use. Maybe bricks like the picture. The greenhouse will be put up in our garden at our house near the capital. So its not out on the big homestead. The question is, shall I post pictures from that location to or not? And regarding having 2 locations I refer to the prepper saying: One is none. Two is one. maj 1, 2016 More beautiful flowers that I found in the gardens over here mars 8, 2016
The weather is getting warmer and Im not burning so much wood any more. Spring is coming mars 24, 2016
This is the greenhouse I ordered yesterday. So there will be a lot of work before its done. Have to do a wall that it can stand on. Dont know yet what material I will use. Maybe bricks like the picture. The greenhouse will be put up in our garden at our house near the capital. So its not out on the big homestead. The question is, shall I post pictures from that location to or not? And regarding having 2 locations I refer to the prepper saying: One is none. Two is one. maj 1, 2016