Making Santa’s porridge, rice pudding, risgrynsgröt, tomtegröt for Christmas lunch in the Crock Pot. #risgrynsgröt #ricepudding #santasporridge #tomtegröt #jul #julafton #julafton2017 #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #sunday #crockpot Post author:Andreas Post published:December 24, 2017 Post category:Instagram via Instagram You Might Also Like Work continues with the knife. Link to the video in the bio. AND dont forget about the GIWEAWAY! February 24, 2017 Relaxing with a big cup of tea. November 29, 2016 I’m digging with the Yanmar ViO12 excavator. New video on YouTube in a few minutes. Link in the bio. #digging #yanmar #excavator #excavating #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday August 10, 2019
Work continues with the knife. Link to the video in the bio. AND dont forget about the GIWEAWAY! February 24, 2017
I’m digging with the Yanmar ViO12 excavator. New video on YouTube in a few minutes. Link in the bio. #digging #yanmar #excavator #excavating #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #saturday August 10, 2019