Checking my sourdough in the refrigirator. Smells good and small bubbles Post author:Andreas Post published:April 24, 2016 Post category:Uncategorized via Instagram You Might Also Like A good start of the day. Homemade bread baked on sifted rye flour, sun flower seeds and carrot. Also made fresh carrot and orange juice and I never forget to take my ginger shot. And if that wasnt enough I throw in a grapefruit too. April 15, 2016 WE GOT ROBBED! Part 2 January 6, 2017 Cut my self deep on an sharp edge on the lawnmower while changing sparkplug. May 18, 2016
A good start of the day. Homemade bread baked on sifted rye flour, sun flower seeds and carrot. Also made fresh carrot and orange juice and I never forget to take my ginger shot. And if that wasnt enough I throw in a grapefruit too. April 15, 2016