Got new lights in the kitchen. Changed from a flourecent light fixture to LEDs Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:mars 29, 2016 Inläggskategori:Uncategorized via Instagram Du kanske också gillar The blueberries are almost done. juli 22, 2016 Next step is to build corner supports. Then I can lay out the stone blocks in a straight and level line. juli 10, 2016 Just took out a sourdoughbread from the oven. Smells delicious. Really love baking bread. april 26, 2016
Next step is to build corner supports. Then I can lay out the stone blocks in a straight and level line. juli 10, 2016
Just took out a sourdoughbread from the oven. Smells delicious. Really love baking bread. april 26, 2016