Getting on with the studio/ home office. The sound absorbing carpet is done now. Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:oktober 23, 2016 Inläggskategori:Instagram via Instagram Du kanske också gillar Making Santa’s porridge, rice pudding, risgrynsgröt, tomtegröt for Christmas lunch in the Crock Pot. #risgrynsgröt #ricepudding #santasporridge #tomtegröt #jul #julafton #julafton2017 #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #sunday #crockpot december 24, 2017 Hacked By GeNErAL mars 6, 2017 It smells delicious in the kitchen. Cooking mushrooms. oktober 17, 2017
Making Santa’s porridge, rice pudding, risgrynsgröt, tomtegröt for Christmas lunch in the Crock Pot. #risgrynsgröt #ricepudding #santasporridge #tomtegröt #jul #julafton #julafton2017 #homestead #homesteading #sweden #weekend #sunday #crockpot december 24, 2017