The bread is done. Just have to wait for a while for it to cool down before I cut it in squares. Inläggsförfattare:Andreas Inlägget publicerat:mars 22, 2016 Inläggskategori:Uncategorized via Instagram Du kanske också gillar This is what I have done the last couple of nights. The begining is near. I have been working on the intro for the YouTube channel and the first film. As soon as Im happy with the result I will publish the intro and post the link to the channel here on Instagram maj 24, 2016 Working in the forest with Husqvarna 550 xp — Collecting firewood maj 9, 2017 Garden Update 2020 maj 22, 2020
This is what I have done the last couple of nights. The begining is near. I have been working on the intro for the YouTube channel and the first film. As soon as Im happy with the result I will publish the intro and post the link to the channel here on Instagram maj 24, 2016